Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Keep them brows on!

One of my biggest pet peeves in life (and this was developed about a year or 2 ago) is noticing how people groom their brows - and some just go a tad too far.

Pictures from Google Images

Eyebrows frame your eyes. They make the difference in how soft your features are or how defined. They make your expressions much more impactful when framed the right way. Finding the perfect brow is not as easy as it may appear, believe me.

I find it interesting, while strolling the malls, how some women like to make their brows a very prominent feature in contrast to their hair color and makeup. I have witnessed an elderly blonde lady sport black eyebrows - and I DID cringe. I marveled at the sight of another lady with completely drawn on brows where the color of the line was so flat that it looked fake.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure these women have their reasons for framing their brows (or lack of) this way. My reactions were based on first impressions as a beauty enthusiast. I sincerely believe your brows are meant to look natural in accordance to the look you're trying pull off.

*They're not meant to look too dark nor too fake. Nor do I believe they were meant to look too thin.*

We weren't born looking like that.

This isn't a post to teach you how to shape, take care or groom your eye brows as I'm still in the process of learning. This is me, L, blogging my mind out about something that bothers me.

If you require a tutorial, there are thousands online (YouTube, blogs, etc.) to assist you.

Most women are well aware of the techniques they can use to prep and groom their brows to perfect presentation. But makeup can only aid you for so long. The perfect cure? Prevention in its early stages.

I implore the teenagers passing through self-conscious phase to seek an expert - perhaps at your local beauty saloon - to shape your brows first before trying it yourself. Don't rely too much on makeup to correct a mistake - it'll have to come off sooner or later.  Then you either love what you have or live with it.

But let me leave you with some friendly advice to keep in mind:

1. Your brows don't have to match your hair exactly nor does it need to be a completely different color.
2. Don't go pluck-crazy and erase your brows from existence. 

Don't neglect or abuse your eyebrows, girl / guy. Treat them right and they'll make you look right.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Review: Daiso Charcoal Mask

Some things don't require a high price to prove that they can function exceptionally well. The Daiso Charcoal Mask is one such exception - which is why whenever I need it the most, it's not in stock for weeks.

This impressive product comes in white and black (and a bit of grey) tube packaging with Japanese words labeling it. However, for the benefit of international customers, a cartoon face of a girl is pasted on the tube with the black colored product on her face.

The price of this product varies from country to country. Here in Dubai, it is 7 Dirhams (around $2) - quite the steal in comparison to other masks.  It can probably be found it various asian stores, but here it can only be found in Daiso.

It is a peel-off mask made to pull impurities from your pores. When first purchased, the cap is sealed off to avoid any contamination of the product - and so you know that the contents are still intact. The product flows out in a gooey, tacky, black shiny substance that is fairly easy to spread.

Before use, it is recommended to steam your face or wash in warm water to open/loosen your pores. This helps the product grab impurities better. After doing so, pat your skin dry and apply the product. Wait until it is completely dry before gently peeling it off. It is important that you peel slowly, especially when you first try it out. It can feel harsh, but rest assured, the end result is worth it.

Additionally, this mask sometimes has the annoying tendency to separate while drying. A few adjustments and another layer should eradicate this problem.

Tip 1: Apply 2 layers so that the mask is thick enough to take off all at once instead of bits and pieces.

Tip 2: DO NOT apply the product anywhere near your eyes (and eye bags), eyebrows and hairline. It can strip off facial hair. If you do make this mistake, do not tug the product. Soak it in water to loosen/dissolve it.

My thoughts? I love this mask. 

During the very first application, I made the mistake of applying a sheer layer. It broke in bits and pieces during the peeling so I doubt it pulled out a lot. I apply it on a wet face so it spreads better. It takes longer to dry, but I don't mind waiting. Edit: Do NOT apply this on a wet face. It tends to separate the product. And keep water from entering the tube during application.

The product applies in a thick, glossy texture and dries into a matte finish. Sometimes applying two layers of the product ensures that it can be peeled off in one piece. Due to it's nature, it helps strip off dead skin cells on the surface. The result - smooth, soft and brighter looking skin. PLUS it hasn't broken me out.

The fragrance can be a little off-putting. But if you can overlook it, then there's no other reason why not to try it out. Unless your skin is extremely sensitive, then you might what to be cautious about using it all over your face.

This charcoal mask is also a great alternative to nose pore strips. I find that it works just as well as most strips (although not as well as Biore). So it's a 2-in-1 deal: a face mask and a pore strip. And for the price, it's more than just a bargain.

Although we have several Daiso stores here, this product runs out pretty fast. So it would be wise to have a backup. This is a staple product in my regime and I use it twice a week. 


Friday, January 4, 2013

Now what?

My first day off. Be honoured blog, I'm dedicating time from my first holiday to you.

You know what's great about the first holiday? The morning. The morning you can sleep right through. That's it. That's the only great thing about first day of holidays.

The rest of the day sucks. You want to do nothing, but you've gotten so used to doing something all the time that doing nothing is torture.

You catch up on all your missed tv shows, eat your favourite foods, but in a few hours, all that's done too.

What made my day worse was watching the last episode of Merlin, the one tv show that never failed to air, even on holidays.
To make myself feel better, I decided to watch The Perks of being a Wallflower. I'm still deciding what I think of it. It could be a huge waste of my time, or it could go into my list of weird favourite movies.

Now I'm done with my tv shows, watched a full movie, finished a big pack of MnMs and even taken a much needed long shower.

Now what?

It's one in the morning but I'm not sleepy. It took me but one day to forget the value of sleep. Just a month ago, getting into bed was a treat, sleeping early made my life complete.
And now the bed holds no poetic value, it's just a place I've been in almost all day.

First day of holidays is not my thing.
