Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's 3am and you're still awake because...

Something big is about to happen. Like really big. And the universe doesn’t want you to sleep through it. Except the universe isn’t sure if it’s scheduled for tonight, or tomorrow, or the day after. Let’s not risk missing it okay?
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You have a heightened level of brain activity. It is physically impossible for your awesome brain to shut down so early. It is also physically impossible for your brain to function before noon.
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If you don’t get a meal at this time of the night, your life will be meaningless.
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You don’t know it yet, but you’re part of this secret cult that meets at this hour. They call out to you every night, it’s time you pay more attention to those voices.
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You were an owl in your past life.
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You are still an owl, disguised as a human being.
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The stars need you to watch over them.
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You like to watch people sleep.
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And let's face it, it may be 3am at your end. But it's 5pm somewhere else in the world :)
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Here's one of Benedict Cumberbatch, because why not.
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